Divas Essentials
Playlist - 100 Songs
Divas coexist in pop music’s most rarefied spheres, but their world-changing vocals can take command of any genre—our list includes soul belters, pop princesses, jazz stylists, and rock goddesses. Without Aretha Franklin’s full-scale reinventions of gospel and R&B tracks, Mariah Carey’s octave-leaping runs, Barbra Streisand’s Broadway-born brilliance, or Tina Turner’s dazzling moxie, pop music’s brightness would be dimmed: the excitement levels would be lower, the drama would be nonexistent, and those chest-beating moments of high-note glory would be absent. Divas operate on a larger-than-life level, but that grandeur explodes everything around them, giving heft and heart to wistful ballads and roof-raising dance numbers alike. Cast aside your idea of the diva as demanding, and embrace these big-voiced women who conquered music by being their truest selves on record and in public, captivating and delighting audiences around the globe.

Artistas em destaque

Divas Essentials apresenta Beyoncé, Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross e mais