
We sit on the edge of a cliff Time slips between lips Into maw of change You cannot define With the wights of lies As the phantom mires Flow forced the current of events Dead-end senses deaficit But wholly now As long as dates shall give a name to time Cut so blind With the bleating edge of the scythe Millenarian futures buyer With your hand on the rudder Just guiding against the flow Clearly not seeing the writing on the wall This is the edge This is the end The marginal On a day that you just might find yourself With your back against the wall Face to face with a choice to make And a sense that this is all Behold the Eschaton and see The edge of every maybe Behold the mortal coil turning A singularity May you never outgrow your tribal state of mind May you never suffer interesting times Route the future through leylines made of light wire Til it expires Any day now you just might find yourself With your back against the wall Face to face with a choice to make And a feeling this is all over A new world if you take it in your hand A new world if you think you handle it
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