Sorry I Haven't Called
Album - Alternative, Music
With Sorry I Haven’t Called, songwriter and producer Laetitia Tamko realizes the promise of 2019’s Vagabon, continuing her trajectory from guitar-driven indie rock to grounded, self-assured pop. Sorry I Haven’t Called is evidence of a graceful metamorphosis—Tamko is back, four years later, with new sonic textures and lyrics that reflect an unshakable maturity. Though many of the songs, like “You Know How” and “Lexicon,” contrast themes of romantic sadness and longing with driving dance grooves, she is never overcome by emotion. On “Carpenter,” a breezy single with an undeniable bassline, she sings, “I wasn’t ready to hear you out/I wasn’t ready to move on out/I wasn’t ready for what you were saying/But I’m all ready now.” Rather than focusing on the pain—as so many songs do—she centers healing. Even on “Do Your Worst,” an album high point with a jungle beat that describes a disintegrating entanglement, she maintains perspective, clarity, and the freedom to pursue her pleasure. As she reminds us on the track “Nothing to Lose,” “I want so much more/Than I’ve ever asked for before.” The album closes with “Anti-Fuck,” a return to rock, albeit with a more refined sound than that of Tamko’s celebrated 2017 debut, Infinite Worlds. The song swells to a climax with fluttering, distorted electric guitar, but the lyrics convey growing acceptance of a relationship’s end as she sings variations of the line “And you call me when you come around, say, ‘We tried’/If you can’t stay for the comedown, I’ll be fine.”