Caesars adlı sanatçının Strawberry Weed albümünü dinle
Strawberry Weed
Album - Pop, Music, Alternative, Punk, Worldwide, Europe
Sweden’s Caesars are firmly wedded to the excited amateurism of garage rock, no matter how professional their own execution. The quartet never bury their enthusiasm, never lose the adrenalin rush. Best known, perhaps, for “Jerk It Out” featured in an iPod Shuffle TV commercial, Caesars are no mere one-hit wonders, but a band with many deep influences anxiously awaiting delivery. From the opening harmonies of “Fools Parade” with the dense, barrage of Nino Keller’s drums and his overdubbed swooping keyboards, it’s apparent that this group knows all about the dynamics they’ve channeled from the early, pre-Tommy Who and the Jam and other concise songwriting outfits. Best compared in the U.S. with Guided By Voices who share many of the same influences, Caesars offer greater focus with songs shorn of their excesses and tailored for a perfect fit and maximum effect. The Farfisa-fueled riff of “Boo Boo Goo Goo” and the implosive guitar-grunge of “Turn It Off” pull together ‘60s garage rock angst, ‘70s punk energy, and post-punk’s vibrant experimentalism with equal ease. 