Breathe Owl Breathe adlı sanatçının Magic Central albümünü dinle
Breathe Owl Breathe
Magic Central
Album - Rock, Music, Adult Alternative, Singer/Songwriter, Alternative Folk
Residing in the breezy causeway that connects folk and indie rock, Michigan’s Breathe Owl make music that is mostly lulling and hushed, though occasional whimsy (toy piano, hand claps, lyrics like “I’m a dragon/and I catapult my love over the castle wall”) lends buoyancy. Founder Micah Middaugh’s upbringing on homemade instruments and organic music is evident; co-founder and cellist Andrea Moreno-Beals traded in her classical training for BOB’s intimate, earthy sound and a shared log cabin in the woods (dubbed “Magic Central”) that serves as both home and working studio for the trio (percussionist Trevor Hobbs rounds out the group). They have the dark, mystical vibe of Falcao and Monashee and the majesty of Fleet Foxes, and are able to shift from eerie to melancholy in seconds (the remarkable and lovely “Own Stunts” has one of the most haunting choruses of vocal chirruping ever heard). With Middaugh’s grave baritone, Moreno-Beals’ sky-borne falsetto and banjos, cellos and concertinas aplenty, Breathe Own Breathe are leading what seems to be a New Folk age.