Apple Music'te AIR: DO 4 LOVE dinle.
Playlist - 25 Songs
“We’re all in this together,” 27-year-old rapper AIR tells Apple Music. “I’m grateful. I almost feel guilty about how blessed I am to be safe and sound, while countless people have been affected [by the pandemic]. And I pray for all the people around the world.” The Uyghur artist found fame as the winner of the TV contest The Rap of China in 2018, and released two acclaimed albums before 2020 hit. But he was affected by far more than just canceled tour dates. “Kobe [Bryant] passing away is one of those things I still cannot let go,” he says. “Then there was stuff happening around the world every month: Australian bushfires, the BLM protests, and even war breaking out amidst a pandemic.” Still, it hasn’t shaken his love and faith in everything that surrounds him. “I revisited a live cover of Louis Armstrong’s ‘What a Wonderful World’ and couldn’t stop shedding tears.” Likewise, his New Year playlist is here to spread messages of hope, solidarity, and gratitude in the wake of such a difficult year. “Everything is about love,” he says—hence the title. In it, you’ll find songs that go far beyond what you might expect from AIR, such as John Mayer’s “Love Is a Verb.” “I love its vibe, the lyrics, and its simple message,” he says. “I’ve even gotten a lyric tattooed on me.” C-pop singer-songwriter Sandy Lam also features. “Re: Workz was an album I dug out online that blew me away. It surprised me how vast and broad the arrangements and musical styles were throughout.” And his playlist wouldn’t be complete without Kendrick Lamar’s “LOVE.” “When I hear it, I hope it brings strength to our Black brothers and sisters,” he says. Looking ahead to the new year, AIR has plenty of work coming out. “My own album and a collab with my buddy Wang Yitai, and I’m also preparing for a mixtape,” he says. “But my biggest wish is to just take a break for two to three months. I hope everyone’s healthy heading into the new year. Don’t forget to be thankful for everyone around you, whether it’s family or friends or anyone that’s been supportive. Be grateful.”