收听 Ed Sheeran 的 No.6 Collaborations Project
Ed Sheeran
No.6 Collaborations Project
Album - 流行乐, 音乐, 唱作歌手, Contemporary Singer/Songwriter, 摇滚, Adult Alternative
Ed Sheeran 与 Apple Music 分享了关于这张大牌合作新专的独家讯息,我们将它译成了中文:
2010 年,我与一众我欣赏的艺人合作了专辑《No.5 Collaborations Project》,这张新作便是它的延伸。我在电脑里建了一个名为“No.6 Collaborations Project”的文件夹,也开始给心中的合作对象打电话,第一个打给了 Camila,就此展开了这场合作计划。我在纳什维尔的一间录音室里开始创作,有艺人路过纳什维尔时我便邀他们过来录制歌曲。整个过程持续了三个月,许多我喜欢的音乐人都参与其中。在一些作品中,我真的走出了自己的舒适区。这种体验非常有趣,希望你会喜欢这张专辑。——Ed
以下是 Ed 的讯息原文:
This record was based on one I made in 2010 called No.5 Collaborations Project with a load of artists I liked. I had a little folder on my laptop called No.6 Collaborations Project, so I started ringing up people who I wanted to work with. I think the first was Camila, and then it sort of opened up from there. I based myself in Nashville, set up a studio there and started making songs, so whenever an artist passed through Nashville I would hit them up and they would come to the house. We’d make a song, and the record was made over the course of three months, with lots of people I like. I really stepped out of my comfort zone on some stuff. It was very fun and I hope you enjoy it. —Ed