
Work all of the weekdays Work all of the time You're earning a good wage But you're wasting it away in your prime Spend your days in the office under those Bright fluorescent lights You're bound to your desk You've got a headache But you gotta meet deadlines Working nine to five Monday to Friday Only living for the weekend Drive home under the streetlights Look down at the road Count down the hours, the minutes 'til Friday night so you can let go Step out into the spotlight Now you're taking the wheel Only takes a few pints You can come alive Remember how to think and feel Working all week long Friday night to Sunday Oh you're living for the weekend Climb that ladder Get to the top of it (Get to the top of it!) Earn money Spend it on a mortgage (Get to the top of it!) Only seven years Until a holiday (Until a holiday!) Do your overtime Then you could get away (Until a holiday!) Work hard You've got your weekends to play (Get to the the top of it!) Party and live it up with your mates Oh, one day you might retire 'til then Living for the weekend Work all of the weekdays Work all of the time What are you doing with your life You're only living for the weekend You're not living everyday You're only living on the weekend Spending all your time and money You're just working for the weekend What are you doing with your life You're only living for the weekend
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