
Tell me, Chrissy Have you ever had a near-death experience? Like you die and then come back? I... no, I don't think so Well, neither have I But there's this new drug out that makes you feel just like that How wild, you done it? Yeah, it's called White Light It's fucking unbelievable You wanna try some? Oh, I don't know Come on, Chrissy Afraid of a little danger? Burn out Burn out Burn out In the ground Burn out Burn out Burn out In the ground Burn out Burn out Burn out In the ground Burn out Burn out Burn out In the ground Burn out Burn out Burn out In the ground "I feel . tingly, like there's electricity running through my body." "That's what I love about this shit, No matter how many times you do it, you never get used to it, Every time is like the first time." "Oh shit, what's happening to me?" "It'll be okay. The best is yet to come."
Writer(s): Jacob Lee Lyrics powered by