Listen to Diver City's "1-4-Me, 1-4-You" Playlist on Apple Music.
Diver City's "1-4-Me, 1-4-You" Playlist
Playlist - 20 Songs
It’s no surprise that a celebratory streak runs through the family friendly playlist curated by Diver City. The Aussie duo of Kristy Lee Peters, aka KLP, and comedian Matt Okine craft children’s music that shines a bright spotlight on physical movement, as heard on 2021’s Dance Silly. So of course that same limb-wagging spirit animates their selections, which range from upbeat pop hits by Pharrell Williams and Beyoncé to club-friendly local gems by Cut Copy, Confidence Man, and The Jungle Giants. The pair also tip a hat to fellow children’s entertainers like The Laurie Berkner Band, Teeny Tiny Stevies, and the team behind Bluey. “This is a perfect playlist that gives power back to the parent,” KLP tells Apple Music. “A collection of summer jams, chilled-out tunes, soundtrack singalongs and educational earworms that will have you sitting back, taking your foot off the brake, and just cruising through the holiday period with satisfaction from everyone in the family.” Below, KLP and Okine explain the specific appeal of five of these tracks. Bino and Fino, “Wiggle Wiggle” “Being half-Ghanaian, I had to include a shout-out to some music from that part of the world. Bino & Fino is a Nigerian kids’ music project that brings classic West African sounds to audiences worldwide. They’ve got some highly palatable universal learnings in their music too, so I’m always happy to oblige when my daughter yells at me to play it again!” – Matt KLP & Stace Cadet, “Energy” “I couldn’t create a playlist for the family without including this bop from my bandmate, Kristy. This song has been an absolute anthem in our household over the past few years and it’s perfect for any moment of the day, be it driving in the car, making breakfast or shaking off steam on a Saturday afternoon. Turn it up and dance like nobody is watching.” – Matt Bluey & Helena Czajka, “I Know a Place (The Creek Song)” “We lost the 2021 Best Children’s Album ARIA to Bluey and I couldn’t be more proud. Bluey is a phenomenon deserving of every morsel of praise it receives, and songs like this only cement that fact into my brain. Despite being ‘for kids’, it’s one of the best-written shows on Australian TV and the same sentiment goes for the soundtrack.” – KLP Fred again.., “Billie (Loving Arms)” “This is such a fun and uplifting song. When it first came out, both myself and my partner Nick were playing it on repeat. So naturally our daughter Siena starting requesting after-dinner dance parties with this as the soundtrack. We would sing along and do little arm actions (arms out and then back in for ‘loving arms around me’).” – KLP Beyoncé, “BREAK MY SOUL” “How can I even begin to explain a Beyoncé song? She is the queen and I’m personally rather chuffed her new album is way more on the house/dance music tip. This one is a fave of mine, and again it’s now become a Siena favorite. We dance around the house and she sings along, although she hasn’t quite got the lyrics down 100% just yet: ‘You won’t break my song…’” – KLP