ALBUMImperception / Alternative PerceptionsRockets
ALBUMLive Bootlegs 1975-1984Rockets
ALBUMOne Way / Alternative WaysRockets
ALBUMPi Greco 3,14Rockets
ALBUMRare Tracks 1974-2003Rockets
ALBUMPeace Maker (H.A.B. vs. Rockets)H.A.B. & Rockets
ALBUMAnother FutureRockets
ALBUMOn the Road AgainRockets
About Rockets
Artist Biography
Though they'll forever be known for giving birth to Neil Young's stalwart backup band Crazy Horse, the Rockets began as a promising young group in their own right, releasing their lone, eponymous album in 1968, mixing elements of soul, folk-rock, and psychedelia. After doing some jamming with the Rockets, Young invited singer/guitarist Danny Whitten, bassist Billy Talbot, and drummer Ralph Molina to play on EVERYBODY KNOWS THIS IS NOWHERE. The new partnership took off, effectively ending the Rockets, whose eulogy was delivered by NOWHERE's “Running Dry (Requiem for the Rockets),” which also featured the Rockets' Bobby Notkoff on violin.
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