
Asael, descend from high Eden! From abyss to the sun Down the bright serpent Towards the dragon of Nun Within the night of black Eden Towards death I would bow Illumed by the flames of a trident To pierce the mark of my brow To become as lampadiphor Of a great fallen spark From a star luciferious To illumine paths dark Lucifer - Messich! Guardian of the sceond tree O perilous star of the morning! Darken my plea! Strike me lord, strike me! With your igneous blade The mark of Pentagrammaton By which the soul is remade O' morning star smite me! Pierce the chambers of my heart Carve a seat for your bright wisdom And let profane life depart My blood is my offering To the plot of this sacred place With Lilith-Nachash behind me Opposite your luminous face A shadow cast by your fire From hers is the blood of our race She who first offered The poison fruits taste And guised with temptation The path towards divine fate A riddle to solve A great thirst to sate O Shaitan above me! Three who art one Guide, lord and daimon Forge flame and sun I pray you bless me with eminence And impart your gift And by resurrection uplift Resolve this "I" to your aspect Crowned with horns twain And armed with the blade By which I was slain I pray to know And I will to be To become as the monad By way of trinity And walk Eden's night path towards God's temple By the light of the adversary And by root, heart and crown Coil about the second tree
Writer(s): Kyle Spanswick Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com