
Li-li-li-lies, pain, pretense, the hate Corruption, disdain The greed and the fame Lies, pain, pretense, the hate Corruption, disdain The greed and the fame Lies, pain, pretense, the hate Corruption, disdain The greed and the fame There's a hierarchy in the world we live in It's the land of the free, slaves, and royalty It's a jungle here, where the strongest rules And the e-lites have the power, they're dictating rules "Rule over the masses, marching them like grasses" "Feed them with so many lies, take over their senses" They are greedy— so vain Filled with power — sovereign They don't mind if people die provided money rolls out Brothers killing brothers, envious of one another Everything is about gain and it's money-driven But the evil doesn't end there: organ harvesting Sexual slavery, mental torturing It's crazy How a world that's supposed to be full of Love, peace, harmony... is full of war There are people living at the expense of others Manipulating people, creating viruses Sicknesses, benefiting from war! It's crazy! Masters of manipulation, skilled in programming Acting like they're really helping while they're destroying Making several promises they know they'll never keep Pretending like they care, wolves in clothes of sheep Taking what belongs to others, stacking it as theirs Feeling like they have the power like they're immortal But they're mere mortals, with expiry dates At the end of the day, they're gonna hit the grave So what will become of everything that you've all acquired? All the blood that you have shed to quench your thirst for power All the terrorism, racism, and acts of war If the truth is forbidden, then what are we living for? But you see, the masses love it when they're fed with lies And when the lies are in season, the masses will comply But when it's time for truth, the masses will despise it Acting like they're zombies, like they're hypnotized! ...tized! Lies, pain, pretense, the hate Corruption, disdain The greed and the fame Lies, pain, pretense, the hate Corruption, disdain The greed and the fame Lies!
Writer(s): Viano Dee Lyrics powered by