Listen to Pride by Living Colour
Living Colour
Album - Pop, Music, Rock, Hard Rock, Metal
Though Pride is largely considered a greatest-hits collection, it’s also of major importance to fans for the inclusion of three previously unreleased tracks that were recorded for the follow-up to Living Colour's third album, Stain. (A fourth song, “Visions,” originally appeared on the True Lies soundtrack.) All Living Colour anthologies include “Cult of Personality,” “Open Letter (To a Landlord),” “Glamour Boys,” and “Funny Vibe” from their excellent debut, Vivid. “Pride,” “Solace of You,” “Type," and “Time’s Up”—from their second album, the equally devastating Time’s Up—often follow. This collection adds the powerful Biscuits EP live version of the Talking Heads cover “Memories Can’t Wait” and the "Soulpower Remix" of “Love Rears Its Ugly Head,” alongside underrated tracks such as “WTFF” and “Nothingness” from Stain. Of the previously unreleased material, “Release the Pressure” and “Sacred Ground” stick to a harder and heavier approach, while “These Are Happy Times” works from the band’s soulful side. 