Listen to Songs for Someone by Perry Blake
Perry Blake
Songs for Someone
Album - Alternative, Music, Rock
Perry Blake’s fourth studio album, 2004’s Songs for Someone, pulls back on the electronic enhancements of 2002’s California and finds even more new territory to cover. His voice is a natural gift that can reach any note imaginable and his textures are so smooth that he can hit an ethereal peak quicker than anyone this side of Mark Hollis and Talk Talk. “We Are Not Stars” is a striking pop opener that spreads itself over nearly six minutes. “When I’m Over You” settles behind the piano with strings that trace the backing vocals for great effect. Then things turn the somber hues of deep winter. “The Fox In Winter,” “Ava,” “Songs for Someone” and “You’re Not Alone” are deeply meditational pieces where Blake’s voice works towards a great soothing massage of notes. There really aren’t adequate words for what Blake can accomplish. Things perk up for “Native New Yorker II” ever so slightly with the instrumentation adding a few extra glimmers with the choir of backing voices. “Tropic of Cancer” is even more direct, with Blake dropping his voice an octave for a tune that is reminiscent of Scott Walker in the ‘60s.