Listen to Lissy Trullie by Lissy Trullie
Lissy Trullie
Lissy Trullie
Album - Alternative, Music, Rock, Adult Alternative, Pop, Pop/Rock
Lissy Trullie studied graphic design and art history in New York City, modeling and DJing to help pay the bills and seemingly living the life many people dream of. Along the way, she took a turn to music (she’d played guitar for a number of years), assembled a band, and began writing songs that melded her punky, rocker-girl side with an appealing and edgy pop sensibility. “Rules We Obey”—the opening track on her first full-length—builds slowly and steadily with guitars, synths, and eventually horns, threatening to bust out into an Anna Calvi–style anthem. But Trullie and her band keep things fairly restrained and admirably turn the first track into a rather magical and elegant entrance to the rest of the collection. “Wearing Blue” dances and bubbles with commercial energy, but don’t be put off if that’s not your thing. Throughout, her work reveals a skilled songwriter, honing her craft thoughtfully, creatively, and with great patience. Her husky-throated “Madeleine” uncoils with hints of Nico and The Velvet Underground wafting in and out. The choice of that song as the first single is smart: it’s utterly beguiling.