
Aaaa ah!. Hw3, w'aay3 d3w. Me w) as3m b) ne p)… Call me Kofi Kinaata. SESHI ON IT.!!!! Ladies and gentlemen this is your Pastor Donzy and l bring you greeting from the church of Christ)se wonho tse d3n? W) fr3 no Pastor Donzy,)w) ha aa.)w) ha ma h)n aa wonnyim Christ. This is the day, a new day the Lord has made. Let us be glad and bliv in him.)se Sister k) deii, enyim h) fo w)ny3 no deii. Sister Gladys 3w) hankie aa. hem!! Lord, we thank you for goodness, we thank you for mercies and fogiving us beyond what we deserve. Ewurade y3nntsease d3 Busket)strike d3 Messi nso Barca 1st eleven na)da reserve. I said; we thank you for goodness, we thank you for mercies and fogiving us beyond what we deserve.)se)so ndae na ohun d3 fight bi rebesi ntsi young boy h) na 3rek) dza nna)no bu curve. Father as we stand before you, strenghten our hearts and light our paths like a beam . Ayoo. Ansana Stonebwoy b3ba no singing band fo wonma h3n hymn.:::::::::::::::::::::: Onyame s3 ay3yi, [)s3 ay3yi] 3no ntsi no m3to ndwom, Ay3yi ndwom,)s3 ay3yi 3no ntsi no m3to ndwom, S3 mehw3 m'abrab) yi mu ade Onyame ay3 ama me, M3to ndwom na m'eyi Ewurade ay3. Mo mma y3nto. na y3nto. na y3nto!!! Onibi eeii. w'ama m'enya bi eeii.S3 mehw3 m'abrab) yi mu ade Onyame ay3 ama me, M3to ndwom na m'eyi Ewurade ay3. 2. God, we pray for Ghana just as you did for Israel, Make us great and stronger. Eerhn Cup, yede reba Ghana. First match eh3n na Israel. Training aa y'aay3 no de, m3nnka. We quickly need strong leaders to build the nation to help us solve the problem we're facing, Wee fo se d3 eh)n n'ade no w'abr3 na chasings, seesiara Polisinyi aa)b3ba biara no w) b3 face'n, Psalm 33: verse 12, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" Yooo, S)fo se)t)n 33: 10 twelve. bra b3gye bi use na battery ky3r rough, Soo. be Christ-like in your neighbourhood, S)fo se s3 Christ ba aa, y3de enua bohun. I said be Christ-like in your neighbourhood, S)fo se s3 Christ ba aa, y3de enua bohun.:::::::::::::::::::::: Onyame s3 ay3yi, [)s3 ay3yi] 3no ntsi no m3to ndwom, Ay3yi ndwom,)s3 ay3yi 3no ntsi no m3to ndwom, S3 mehw3 m'abrab) yi mu ade Onyame ay3 ama me, M3to ndwom na m'eyi Ewurade ay3. Mo mma y3nto. na y3nto. na y3nto!!! Onibi eeii. w'ama m'enya bi eeii.S3 mehw3 m'abrab) yi mu ade Onyame ay3 ama me, M3to ndwom na m'eyi Ewurade ay3. 3. I remember, back in Germany.)se)y3 member, w) as)r bi mu w) Germany. In New York, somewhere New Jersey. Heeey!!! Youth fo eeii. W'abr3 h)n new jersey. I have been Somalia, Uganda, Liberia but now am Back! because home sweet home.)se woak) Somalia, Uganda, Liberia 3h) mpo de Bad! 3k)m esi h)n kurom'. God has been good to me, He can be good to you too. Oooo. S)fo se Nyame ay3 pii deii, bi gu Youtube! So give yourself to him, let him use you. Eerhn yenya nkwa abodoo, y3 regye "fruit juice". Be your brother's keeper, Have a good heart, be a cheerful giver. Eerhn asafo yi yehia goalkeeper aa,)tse d3 Joe Hart nny3 Julius Ceaser. Yes!, extend a helping hand to the less previledged, the street children and the orphans.)kyer3 aa, mboframa nyinaa w)dze h)n fi village nso wodur street mu aa. B3hw3 "more fans". Who knows, nobody knows, only God knows. Eerhn)se)y3 hoana ne hwen aa,)nny3 obiara ne hwen oo.)y3 Nyankop)n ne hwen. Eerhm. Yeah, before we take the offering, lets show some love to our Women's Fellowship from Virginia. Indw). Women's Fellowshh… Vir. Virrg. Herh! Norr.)no munnhu ka, S)fo)no munnhu ka, awo toa do. I said Virginia,… Virginia. Eerhn… S)fo ame me f3r, amaamefo, Sunday school fo n'ade. Azaay S)fo. Woso as3e oo. eeii paddy yi.!! …. Fior!!!. Woara 3bae aa na mohun d3 as3e.:::::::::::::::::::::: Mo mma y3nto. na y3nto. na y3nto!!! Onibi eeii. w'ama m'enya bi eeii.S3 mehw3 m'abrab) yi mu ade Onyame ay3 ama me, M3to ndwom na m'eyi Ewurade ay3. Onyame s3 ay3yi, [)s3 ay3yi] 3no ntsi no m3to ndwom, Ay3yi ndwom,)s3 ay3yi 3no ntsi no m3to ndwom, S3 mehw3 m'abrab) yi mu ade Onyame ay3 ama me, M3to ndwom na m'eyi Ewurade ay3. SESHI ON IT…!!!!!! ghanandwom Caleb Eshun
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