Escucha Still Battling de EnJay

Still Battling



3 Shazams

Vídeo musical

still battling
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Presentada en


Noah Jackson
Noah Jackson


Hello Is anyone here? Fuck Man i know this i know this fucking place Fuck how did i end up back here After everything all i've fucking done i'm back in this shit FUCK How the fuck i'm i supposed to put my pain on a page I honestly don't know Where the fuck did you come from bro? See i'm you but however you're kinda feeling down right now I'm that voice inside your head wishing that you were dead I guess thats kinda true i really feel like just ending life right now But Hey at least i got kid CuRRy and Queen right? Nah there kinda fucking sick of they don't want to be friends with you And that the fucking truth unfortunately But that can't fucking be How come there still speaking to me? Cause you cant stop speaking to them do you really think They really wanna be your friend Thats true Then let me fucking speak to you Cause you know this ain't nothing fucking new to you You been depressed before You know what to fucking do you know what door to go through Nah i dont Cause i fucking don't know i beat this shit last time But motherfucker i just can't keep making fucking rhymes To express how i feel then people shitting on that Well then fucking don't rap How about you fucking lose that shit How about you fucking forget everything and end life Please take my advice Why do i gotta go through this shit more then fucking twice? Cause you fucking hate life ain't been nice to you The only thing thats pulling you through is that rap music So why don't you just quit that cause you cant even have that All i have is fucking rap and hip hop Stop that Cause you already know You can't think you actually have a place in this world Please just end it Get it done and over with then You won't have to fucking deal with shit Im sick of fucking writing lyrics i know i'm not the best But man i fucking try I don't even know why i'm in this fucking game anyway All its done for me was turn the best friends i have against me Or maybe that was just me? Of course it was you look at you no one wants to be with you No one wants to be your fucking friend they just want to see you Fucking End your life Man maybe you're fucking right I know i'am Noah Now listen to me Cause you're no fucking EnJay you're no Em you're no fucking Rakim So therefore you better stop fucking picking up the pen And fucking writing then Then what the fuck you expect me to do then? I don't think i can do anything else to get through fucking life I hate school i hate everything else in my fucking life The only thing i have is fucking RAP! Thats fucking right Why? Cause you have no friends no one to be with no one to fucking rely on So therefore why you fucking still writing songs? End it trust me You're right Cause you know what i can't continue to fucking write I'm sick of getting shit from people all my fucking life I don't know Life's meant to be the greatest gift But it feels like a fucking curse more then anything Exactly so why don't you just end it nobody's gonna miss you anyway Yeah and now it's gonna be fucking ending
Writer(s): Enjay, Noah Jackson Lyrics powered by