
(Awesome is your name in all the Earth) (It is, high and lifted up, in all the Earth) (Excellent you are, powerful you are) (Awesome is your name in all the Earth) (Awesome is your name in all the Earth) (It is, high and lifted up, in all the Earth) (Excellent you are, powerful you are) (Awesome is your name in all the Earth) Awesome is your name in all the Earth (Awesome is your name in all the Earth) (It is, high and lifted up, in all the Earth) (Excellent you are, powerful you are) (Awesome is your name in all the Earth) Awesome is your name in all the Earth (Awesome is your name in all the Earth) (It is, high and lifted up, in all the Earth) (Excellent you are, powerful you are) (Awesome is your name in all the Earth) You're the name above all names (Name above all names, Jesus) (King above all kings, who you are) (Omniscient God, all glorious) (Awesome, is your, name) Bread of heaven fill me till I want no more You're the name above all names (Name above all names, Jesus) (King above all kings, who you are) (Omniscient God, all glorious) (Awesome, is your, name) True Messiah, son of God, lily of the valley, bright morning star (Name above all names, Jesus) (King above all kings, who you are) (Omniscient God, all glorious) (Awesome, is your, name) (Name above all names, Jesus) (King above all kings, who you are) (Omniscient God, all glorious) (Awesome, is your, name) Omniscient God, so glorious Awesome, is your, name Omniscient God, so glorious Awesome, is your, name God is a personal God And my friend Defender, incomparable that's my God Awesome is your name How excellent is your name in all the Earth You have set your glory above the heavens And from the lips of children Every knee will bow, every tongue shall confess, that he is the all triumph God Omniscient God (Omniscient God, all glorious) (Awesome, is your, name) Hee, omniscient God (Omniscient God, all glorious) (Awesome, is your, name) What a mighty God we serve (Omniscient God, all glorious) (Awesome, is your, name) Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper (Omniscient God, all glorious) (Awesome, is your, name) Father we are Marvelled by you, how divine your love to us (Omniscient God, all glorious) (Awesome, is your, name) (Omniscient God, all glorious) (Awesome, is your, name) No other name that we can come to you Our minds cannot fathom your greatness oh God Holy and sovereign are you God Name above all names, my Jesus King above all kings, who you are Omniscient God, so glorious Awesome, is your name Come on give praise to the awesome God Come on give praise to the all knowing God Give praise to the omnipotent God Give praise to the God, who is the same yesterday, today and forevermore Hallelujah my redeemer liveth My redeemer liveth That makes him awesome The tomb is empty
Writer(s): Lindelani Mkhize, Sifiso Khanyile, Siyanqoba Mthethwa, Mnqobi Nxumalo Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com