
Lisa Gilliam
Lisa Gilliam


Wait in Expectation. Wait In Expectation Oh my, here goes another one, except this time I am in it I am a vision of purity Lightly stained by the past according to what others might say All eyes on me as I enter and am greeted by a Handsome man, picturesque, a vision of loveliness, I am Tall, short, wide, slim, beauties of all ages Sizes and colors have experienced this at previous times This time there are 10 of us-one who has already began traveling the Road on the other side of what I used to or sometimes consider To be the valley in my life and 1 who will take this step in March And, though I celebrate with all the others who have come before me I still long for my Solomon to find me To say how lovely are my breasts, my lips, my eyes My Solomon, a man of wisdom, my guide, priest Protector and provider that should've been the Only one to say this to me, but I am lightly stained No, wait a minute, I am not lightly stained That is what Satan wants me to believe But I must remember God has forgiven me, old things are passed away I have become new I am not lightly stained or otherwise in the Eyesight of God, for He sees Jesus' righteousness in me And, one day I will no longer be a bridesmaid as I am today But I too will cross over to the other side of this valley up The mountain and be greeted by my Solomon, my groom, my husband Until that time I will focus on serving the brides-groom that died for us all The one who shows us enormous and everlasting love and Practice on perfecting the relationship I have with Him I will do this so that when I am found I will truly be secure in who God wants me to be so I can be suitable for my husband, a help meet for him Until that time, I wait, in expectation Wait in expectation. Wait in Expectation
Writer(s): Lisa Louise Gilliam Lyrics powered by