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P.F. Sloan
P.F. Sloan
Jon Tiven
Jon Tiven
Guitarra barítono
Tom Petersson
Tom Petersson
Bajo eléctrico
Billy Block
Billy Block
P.F. Sloan
P.F. Sloan
Jon Tiven
Jon Tiven
Jim DeMain
Jim DeMain
Ingeniería de masterización
Jake Burns
Jake Burns
Ingeniería de mezcla
Paul Gannon
Paul Gannon
Ingeniería de grabación
Earl Drake
Earl Drake
Ingeniería de mezcla


Now this is not a song for the people here on Earth Ah, this is for my fans on the distant planet Mirth You know they've had to wait a long time to get a CD from me And travel very far Ah, Dr. Z was a time traveler on his way to Mirth When he dropped into L.A. to see a Dylan concert first I was there with a rabbi who had wavy purple hair And we waited by a chain-link fence, he thought Bob might show up there Now Dr. Z showed up instead and he blew the rabbi's mind By handing him some object he said was impossible to find Well, he asked me who I was and would I like to take a trip And he showed us his two giant crystals, he said they were computers for a ship Well, we drove to a local sporting store, I bought a ball and gloves We played catch out on Venice Beach, people watchin' seemed to fall in love Well, he said he knew I had a magic arm and asked if I'd throw the ball real high So that it'd bounce from cloud to cloud before it fell back from the sky We had coffee at the Cow's Inn, he introduced me as PK Well, the women there must have been Mirthian, they laughed at everything I'd say Well, it wasn't until later he told me he paid the waiters off in hay Placed his magic crystals under their table yesterday Well, he flew to Hawaii, stayed in a house near Red Sand Beach Where he'd made me collect that driftwood for hours without relief There under the full moon light where he set that wood ablaze He'd made a giant jack-o-lantern and I thought it would burn for days He played softball with Samoan boys and he put something in my Coke These guys take softball seriously, weighed 300 pounds at least, no joke Well, I coulda struck 'em all out but I became fearful for my neck So I threw the batter a cantaloupe and he hit it hard and bobbed my head Dr. Z complained about the fallin' rain so they put a bag over his head By the time the guy was rounding second, ball in hand, I looked at him with dread Well, I coulda thrown him out for sure but I thought these guys would kill me dead When Z yelled, "Fire up your arm", I did, and let it fly into the sky instead After the ball came down, Z tagged him out as he lumbered past third base Well, the entire team and their giant girlfriend cleared the bench and gave us chase Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you I might have broken my leg early that day So I hobbled to the car, Z behind the wheel, just like that, we sped away Well, I really shouldn't say any more but I don't think it would be right When I flew back by myself to L.A., I arrived early Halloween night Now for years, the little toddlers never would ring my front door bell But at night, there were over a hundred under Dr. Z's evil spell
Writer(s): P. F. Sloan Lyrics powered by