Video musical

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Mario Cantone
Mario Cantone
Stephen Sundheim
Stephen Sundheim
Assassins Orchestra
Assassins Orchestra
Paul Gemignani
Paul Gemignani
Music Director
Stephen Sundheim
Stephen Sundheim
Bryan Russel
Bryan Russel
Assistant Engineer
Joe Lambert
Joe Lambert
Mastering Engineer
Philip Chaffin
Philip Chaffin
Executive Producer
Tommy Krasker
Tommy Krasker


Have it your way, have it your way You know what my way is? Hot How 'bout a hamburger that's fuckin' hot!? DON'T BLAME ME, I'M FROM MASSACHUSETTS! Dick! You still there babe? Sorry about that Ten miles from the airport I'm startin' to lose it here Stay with me baby, talk me down You know, Dick, in this The waning hours of your administration It seems appropriate to look back At your long years of public service And to conclude That as our President You really bit the big one Wazoo city babe What can I say? And you know what? This cracks me up I voted for you Yes, I gave you my vote My sacred democratic trust And you know what you did? You pissed all over it! Ah what the hell Guys like you You piss all over everything You piss all over the country You piss all over yourselves You piss all over me Yeah, yeah I know "Sam, don't say it! You're my main man Guys like you, you're the backbone of the nation Sammy," SHUT UP DICK! I'M TALKIN' NOW! ALRIGHT!? I'M TALKIN' AND YOU'RE LISTENIN'! Here Have you seen the papers lately? Grandma lives in packing crate Sewage closes Jersey beaches Saudi prince buys Howard Johnsons What the hell is goin' on here, Dick!? It wasn't supposed to be like this It wasn't, but it is And schmucks like you, you're tellin' us it isn't? "Everything's fine, it's great, it's Miller time." What Miller time!? The woods are burnin', Dick What can we do? We want to make things better How? "Let's hold an election." Great The Democrat says he'll fix everything The Republicans fucked up The Republican says he'll fix everything The Democrats fucked up Who's tellin' us the truth? Who's lyin'? Someone's lyin', who? We read, we guess, we argue But deep down we know That we don't know How can we? Oil embargos Megatons Holes in the ozone Who can understand this crap? We need to believe, to trust, like little kids That someone wants what's best for us That someone's lookin' out for us That someone loves us Do they? No, they lie to us They lie about what's right They lie about what's wrong They lie about the FUCKIN' HAMBURGERS! And when we realize they're lying Really realize it in our gut Then we get scared Then we get terrified Like children waking in the dark We don't know where we are "I had a bad dream Mommy, Daddy, Sammy had a nightmare." And then Daddy comes and takes me in his arms and says "It's okay Sammy, Daddy's here I love you kid Your Mommy doesn't, but I do." And then Mommy comes and holds me tight and says "I gotcha bubula I'm here for you Your daddy isn't, but I am." And then where are we? Who do we believe? Who do we trust? What do we do? We do the only thing we can do We kill the President
Writer(s): John Alexander Simpson Lyrics powered by