
See if Faith can move mountains, then why do I refuse to believe? You've even walked across the seas, and still I refuse to believe? You've brought sight to the blind, the lame walked when you speak, And my hardend heart refused to hear your words. Each and every day you call me further out of this boat And with every step that I take yeah, I step with a little more hope And I keep my eyes on you, I dare not look away For if I do I'll be in a sink deep beneath the waves of temptation My distractions are just some of my mistakes All my insecurities and false believes keep my door locked away And I'm nervous for all that is at stake Will I make it to the shore through this storm or will I break? Will I fall flat on my face, onto the solid ground? Desperate for a savior, yet I'm willing to be found Will I return the favor, and fall down to my knees Crying out what I believe, help my unbelief I believe, help my unbelief Lord, I believe ... I believe these mountains that I face. See now I've made it to the shore and these mountains stand before me This range that I've created it will make or break before me. It will create or destroy me, It's path that lies before me Jesus be my strength for the journey My heart is hesitant to start to the climb, but I dig my feet in With every step that I take I'm overcoming my sin With every step that I take I felt my punch for the wind The climbs a fight, and I will fight until I'm dust once again And maybe, just maybe, I'll make it to the top See your face, know your love, And you'll say, "My child, stop, I'm proud of you And all that you've done, Your faith has saved you. Rest, here my son." I believe, help my unbelief Lord, I believe... I believe these mountains that I face. I was born to conquer to these mountains. What ever is born of God, will overcome the world, And this is the victory that overcome the world... our Faith!
Writer(s): Ric Robbins, Connor Flanagan Lyrics powered by