
I leave to children exclusively, But only for the life of their childhood All and every the dandelions of the fields And the daisies thereof, With the right to play among them freely, According to the custom of children. And I devise to children The yellow shores of creeks And the golden sands beneath the waters, With the dragon-flies That skim the surface of said waters, And the odors of the willows That dip into said waters, And the white clouds That float high over the giant trees. And I leave to children The long, long days to be merry in, In a thousand ways, And the Night and the Moon And the train of the Milky Way to wonder at, And I give to each child The right to choose a star that shall be his, And I direct that the child's father Shall tell him the name of it, In order that the child Shall always remember the name of that star That shall be his I devise to Children jointly All the useful idle fields and commons Where ball may be played, And all snow-clad hills Where one may coast, And all streams and ponds Where one may skate, And all meadows, With the clover blooms and butterflies; And all woods, With their appurtenances of squirrels And whirring birds And echoes and strange noises; And all distant places which may be visited, Together with the adventures there found, I do give to said Children to be theirs. To lovers I devise Their imaginary world, With whatever they may need, As the stars of the sky, The red, red roses by the wall, The snow of the hawthorn The sweet strains of music, Or aught else they may desire To figure to each other the lastingness and beauty Of their love. And to those who are no longer children, Or youths, or lovers, I leave - Memory, And I leave to them the volumes of the poems Of Burns and Shakespeare, And of other poets, if there are others, To the end that they may live the old days Over again freely and fully, Without tithe or diminution; And to those who are no longer children, Or youths, or lovers, I leave, the knowledge of what a rare, rare world it is.
Writer(s): Ji Woong Yoon, Mose, Jong Beom Kim Lyrics powered by