
The human race is a race against time Everybody running but they don' t know why Said the human race is a race against time Everybody running but they don' t know why I' m sick of hippies studying conspiracies on channel U While doing sweet fuck all to act upon the shit that they Already knew existed, the simple and yet twisted fact That fat cats just don' t give a fuck about the likes of me and you So what are we gonna do about it, maybe shout it from the Rooftops till the floor drops out the market and the war stops making Money for the corporations. I' m losing patience with the Machinations of developed nations towards their poor relations How many so called liberations will it take Until we satisfy our appetite for power and we make a new Direction, a peaceful insurrection. The people casting off the masters of their old oppression, both Inner and outer. Outer and inner State and state of mind, priest and sinner But don' t ask me yeah cos I' m only a beginner But I do know where the race ends so I' ll let you be the winner cos the So now we' re running to the future, where maybe everything will Be made clear and all our fears will disappear Carrying so much of the past on our backs That we wind up having panic attacks, and then we wonder why the Planet reacts. Never connecting our- Selves to the cause of these planetary acts Cos we' re addicted to facts always forgetting that the Earth was flat and that was that. You know that Knowledge is limited. Our own Galaxy is massive and we' re living on the outer perimeter So just give it a minute to sink in and you' ll Realise the life that you' re livin is miniature but don' t Let that diminish you. Not even one bit Because the truth is your being is as big as it gets And even if you haven' t figured it yet Well that' s ok just keep on livin without any regrets because the So what' s the deal here? Everytime I feel near To another human being at the same time I can feel fear As if there' s something that I' m trying to conceal here Caught in the conditioning of I don' t know how many years But the history of humanity weighs heavy on my shoulders Systems of insanity that mould us And hold us back from ever thinking we can change tack And take it back to an older track Back in the day, when our place was as part of the chain Not a race apart but part of the game When all life was an expression of the one and the same Before we tried to separate and started running away So now I' m trying to discover another way of communicating Relegating this old mind state that we' re celebrating Start deflating the ego and let go and Set my soul free for the next road, because the X2
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