Altri album di Ludwig Göransson
Chi è Ludwig Göransson
Biografia dell'artista
Although composer Ludwig Göransson's father wanted to call him Albert (after bluesman Albert King), his mother insisted that the baby be named after Beethoven.
∙ Göransson met future Black Panther director Ryan Coogler at a party while they were both attending USC. He has since scored all of Coogler’s films.
∙ Donald Glover (aka Childish Gambino) met Göransson on the set of the TV show Community and asked him to coproduce his debut album, Camp.
∙ For the movie Creed, he recorded ambient sound at a Philadelphia boxing gym and worked it into the score.
∙ In 2019, Göransson’s score for Black Panther won him both an Academy Award and a Grammy Award.
∙ Göransson coproduced the band HAIM’s breakthrough EP, which hit No. 1 on the Billboard Dance chart.
∙ Göransson locked himself in his studio for a month while composing the score for the Star Wars spin-off TV series The Mandalorian.
Città natale
Linköping, Sweden
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