
Tonight we'll break the rules once more To win this fight and take control We must resist and not lose hope We will persist and climb the slope Tonight we stand in firing line Until their numbers will decline A dream we chased for all these years I'm asking you to Asking you Stay another night or face the consequence Start a violent fight or we will never win Now we wait for a brand new day We'll never let go Today's the day Cause tomorrow never comes for us Tonight we're here to sacrifice Ready to pay the price To roll the dice and not think twice Tonight It'll be their own demise Turn off their shining light and build a modern paradise Tonight there will be blood and tears Focus your eyes and ears Set up your gear and hide your fears Tonight we fight for what we think Is right despite the pain and fright Tonight we fight until we see daylight, until our fire will ignite Until our brain cannot sustain a trauma making us insane Tomorrow rain will wash our pain and we will learn to walk again Stay another night or face the consequence Start a violent fight or we will never win Run towards the light and let the war begin, again Stay another night to crawl beneath their skin Is this the righteous side I'm on? When conquered foes are down and gone When victory brings forth a new dawn Is this the dark side and I just a pawn? Is this the righteous side I'm on? When conquered foes are down and gone Has winning lost its meaning? Demeaning our battles won Now we wait for a brand new day We'll never let go Today's the day Cause tomorrow never We'll fight forever
Writer(s): Simon Safhalter Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com