
Alright, today is now August 24th, 2020 It's 5:40pm Hey kids! So, if you're listening to this message You most likely just got finished listening to The Great Debate part 3 Which is a song that I wrote Pretty much revolving all around of the Political and racial issues going on in America As of today, and all I can say is that I hope to God that you're not dealing with the same shit By the time that you're grown, or just by the time you're here in general But the first thing I mainly wanted to talk about Is just everything that's happened this year I feel so sorry for you having to learn this year In your history class, because it's going to be a doozy To say the least Between COVID-19, all the racial and political issues in America Us having a president that's... damn near dictator Lots of other stuff that's happened that I can't even think of off the top of my head This year has been absolutely insane to say the least But, all I can say is that As weird as it sounds, tragedy in whatever form Whether personal or worldwide Can really, in my opinion, can really inspire... Inspire great art I know that that sounds weird, but I tend to find that I make my best art When I'm either suffering through heartbreak, or Sadness of any kind or the loss of somebody Or when the world is in a crisis like it is And this year has been a lot of both of those Um, I guess that's the other thing I wanted to talk about Is someone that you guys have never gotten to meet Um, is your five great-great aunts Probably by the time you guys are born They will have all passed, um The oldest of the five, my great aunt Barbra Just recently passed, and that was really hard Because I could see that it really Broke up the unity between the other four Because they, they grew up their whole lives Always having each other, you know? And that's something I often worry about As, you know I've never been super close with my older brother And I guess that, assuming that there's not just one kid in the future That you have a sibling I'm worried about y'all not really getting along Or y'all being separated for some reason And like not really talking Or hating each other or something Because I know that family isn't necessarily defined by blood It's more defined by those people that are always there for you But at the same time, it is always nice To have biological family to fall back on And to be close with I've never been super close with a ton of people in my biological family So I guess I just want the point of this message to be With everything going on in the world right now that I'm living in And going on personally I want you all to know that I'm doing my best To take the lessons that these events are giving me to heart So that I can make sure to be the best parent For you in the future that I can possibly be And to help give you the life that I always wanted And so, I wanted to just let you guys know that I've got your back And I promise to be there to help in any way I can So Without further ado, uh This is the latter half of the album I hope you guys are enjoying so far And I hope you're enjoying hearing me experiment With a bunch of different types of songs that I don't usually do or experimenting with Just a whole bunch of different kinds of stuff So yeah, hope y'all are enjoying And I will check in with you in the conclusion message, so Talk to you guys later Love you
Writer(s): Chris Harmon Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com