뮤직 비디오

Hamish Imlach-Johnny O'Breadislee
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실연 아티스트
Hamish Imlach
Hamish Imlach
프로덕션 및 엔지니어링
Nathan Joseph
Nathan Joseph


Well Johnny arose on a May morning Caad for watter tae wash his hand Gae lowse tae me ma twa grey dugs That lie bound in iron bands, bands That lie bound in iron bands When Johnny's mother she heard o this Her hands for a duel she wrang Crying, Johnny for your venison Tae the green wood dare na gang, gang Tae the green wood dare na gang But he has taen his good ben bow His arrows one by one And he's awa tae the green wood gaen Tae ding the donn deer doon, doon Tae ding the donn deer doon Well Johnny shot and the dun deer leapt And he wounded her in the side And atween the water and the wood The grey dugs laid her pride, pride The grey dugs laid her pride Well by there come a silly auld man An an ill death may he dee For he's awa tae Esslemont The king's seven foresters tae see, see The king's seven foresters tae see Then up and spoke the first forester He wis heid man ower them aa Gin this be Jock O'Breadislee Untae him we will draw, draw Untae him we will draw Well the first shot that the forester fired It wounded him in the knee And the next shot that the forester fired His heart's blood blint his ee, ee His heart's blood blint his ee He's leant his back against an oak His fit against a stane An he's fired on the seven foresters An he's killed them aa but ane, ane An he's killed them aa but ane He's broken four o this man's ribs His airm an his collar bane And then he sat him on a horse Tae carry the tidings hame, hame Tae carry the tidings hame Nou Johnny's good bent bow lies broke His twa grey dugs lie slain An his body lies in Monymusk An his huntin days are dane, dane An his huntin days are dane
Writer(s): Hamish George Duncan Imlach Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com