
See the man Formed by the Father's hand Dust turned to flesh Filled with his breath In the image of God Loved and blessed Given the very best Destined to rule, Fill and subdue all of the earth But death entered the day He ate from the tree Condemned all of mankind To follow his lead But one day a man will come And undo what he had done One day a Saviour will return See the man Leaving his father's land Sent by the Lord Journeys towards A promised place By his faith Would come a nation great In numbers surpassed All of the stars Shining in space His name would be renowned From the east to the west And all people on earth Through him would be blessed And one day a man will come To finish what had begun One day a Saviour would return See the man Come from his Father's side His word become flesh And all his fullness Dwelling in him God's delight Speaking the words of life The Kingdom's revealed The broken are healed The blind given sight And for all history's sin The righteous is slain By his blood, death is defeated He's risen again And soon he will come again And then forever reign One day our Saviour will return see less
Writer(s): Trevor Sean Hodge Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com