
Space Time Motion Motion Space, is a position of bodies Time, is an accident of motion Motion, is a consequence of all activity Space, time, motion Space, is a position of bodies Time, is an accident of motion Motion, is a consequence of all activity Space, time, motion Space Time Motion Space, is a position of bodies Time, is an accident of motion Motion, is a consequence of all activity Space, time, motion Space, is a position of bodies Time, is an accident of motion Motion, is a consequence of all activity Space, time, motion Space Time Motion Motion Space is accidental bodies Bodies of movin' through time Time has no consequence People always ask me, are you Jennifer Vanilla? And I alway, yes Space, time, motion Space, is a position of bodies Time, is an accident of motion Time, is an accident Time, is an accident Motion, motion, motion, motion Motion, motion, motion, motion Motion, motion, motion, motion Motion, motion, motion, motion Motion Who the hell am I? Which one there are you? Wonder where I'd be Hello, how are you? Who the hell am I? Which one there are you? Wonder where I'd be Hello, how are you? Who the hell am I? Which one there are you? Wonder where I'd be Hello, how are you? Hi, I'm Jennifer Vanilla
Writer(s): Rebecca Teme Grant Kauffman, Brian Ableson Lyrics powered by