
Early I arose I went out by the glen of branches I came back by the glen of the flocks I found the brown-haired girl still in bed I folded her in my own plaid And vowed that she need fear no harm That I would give her to her own mother How distressed I was, my love But if I come back from Ireland What presents you will get. 'S moch an diugh a rinn mi eirigh Ghabh mi mach ri gleann na geigeadh Thaining mi steach gleann na spreidheadh Fhuair mi ghruagach dhonn gun eirigh Lub mi 'na mo bhreacan fhein i 'S thug mi boid nach b'eagal beud dhi Gun tugainn dha mathair fhein i 'S mise ghaoil a bha 'nam eiginn Ach ma thilleas mis' as Eirinn 'S tusa ghaoil a gheibh am preusant
Writer(s): Mcgoldrick Michael Brendan, Shaw Donald Patrick, Matheson Karen Elizabeth, Mckerron Charles Alastair, Lunny Manus Bernard Lyrics powered by