
Started off in what was Our room Those pictures of Me and You The ones we took just months ago You looked to young to go Somebody Say it Ain't so Please Say it Ain't so The House is clean And the yards been mowed Our Neighbors stopped in From just down the road Their having problems letting You go They look at Me like I don't know Somebody Say it Ain't So Please say it Ain't so Little Susie Turned 9 today She Misses You in an awful way Our son's still to young to know I told the truth You're just down the road Somebody Say it Ain't So Please Say it Ain't So What an awful way To have to spend little Susy's Birthday With plastic Flowers at your Grave Never in my wildest dream's Would of I Believed Me on bended knees Crying Dear God Please Say it Ain't so Started off in what was Our room Those pictures of Me and You The U Haul comes at 9 today They're gonna take Your pretty Thangs Away Somebody Say it Ain't So Please Say it Ain't So
Writer(s): Rich Mckinney Lyrics powered by