
What shall we do? What action is warranted for such docility? Left to their own devices The fragile balance becomes overturned Such vile inadequate existence Threatens the entire constituency Their lungs filled Unceasingly aspirating the putrescence they spew As though they aim to bring about their own demise Blindly follow the loudest voice From the highest of heights Engulfed in skewed truths Force-feeding indoctrination to subordinates Birthing a legion of marionettes Spreading the way of pharisaicalness The thankless The unmerciful The truly despicable There is no salvation for these loveless wretched swine If grace is not shared, then lost is all we are And dark has grown the day The sheep have spoken The sheep have chosen Feed them to the fire The thankless The unmerciful The truly despicable Feed them to the fire
Writer(s): The Lucid Archetype Lyrics powered by