
It started with a boy Let's call him Mason He had a big heart Though the problems he was facin' Were bigger than his drive Went thru life just racin' With no finish line No chance to make it Back in the day used to crush on a girl Lets call her Kate, she was his world But she never gave time and she never gave lines But he loved her eyes and he loved her lies But he couldn't see the bigger picture The time that he wasted on her Never translated into shit He gave up being honors Sacrifice this dude would make Just to prove that he was worthy Shit was so ridiculous Turned into jail time he was serving But his heart fell heavy into a pit of dark With the smallest hope of winnin' her heart Little did he know that chance fell apart Before their first words, doomed from the start But she still used him just like a toy Lowkey she had another boy But she couldn't tell him that, she liked the joy That it brought her, she loved the ploy But it took him too long to realize That he was blind, couldn't see the lies Blinded by a feelin' that he couldn't describe The butterflies he got inside "Why does this happen to good guys?" He would ask himself everytime he cried Over this chick with no demise Who used him and took all his pride But he was still a sucker for her And he felt no shame Till she put a knife up to his vein In hopes that he could feel the pain But see this dude he was kinda special Not "all the way there" his life was dreadful Stuck inside his brain there's no fault, is it? Nah Mason was actually autistic But no matter what, he'd still love her Regardless of the hate that they would smother Him with hate and say they're lovers Then turn it around to say to his mother That they're in love and it's all great Then turn back to him with tortured hate All because of his mental state Nobody helped mason til it's too late But he didn't know That's the thing he didn't know That what all they were doing Wasn't right, he didn't know He knew that he felt bad But there's no place for his feelings If only he had told someone close To help him with his healing But he thought he was wrong He thought he'd be shunned Just like every other time In the gym beaten up So he never told a soul He just pulled out a gun Mom heard two shots And boom they're done Then Mason's mother came out yellin' "Mason what'd you do?" And he turned to her and said "Mom, I'm sorry but you hurt me too."
Writer(s): Yung Delirious Lyrics powered by