
I used to get angry Goddamn I used to get so angry I used to punch things, break things It really used to fucking scare me I used to be so lonely I used to be so unhappy I drowned myself in wine I don't wanna feel anything I drowned myself in wine Don't wanna feel anything I drowned myself in wine I used to be so unhappy I used to go to college I was gonna be a physicist It goes undergrad, masters, PhD I'll see you in 12 years But now I'm a drop out I guess I'll never make my mom proud But I am pretty proud of what I'm doing with my life now I am pretty proud of how I live my life now And I will not feel bad That I'm living for myself now And I have learned To stop measuring my self-worth By the standards set by a culture that I want no part of If I had stayed on the path that they had made Well I don't know if I would have survived it So now I am not lonely Cause I have found a community Of folks who won't let this culture tell them Who they are supposed to be And I feel angry It's cause this system that's obsessed with productivity Has tried to tell us that the value of a human can be measured In spreadsheets Told the boys to be strong and not to cry Told the girls to just shut the fuck up But we won't shut the fuck up We will kick and scream till you stop telling us who we're Supposed to be Cause I'm not supposed to be anything But I am closer everyday to the person that I wanna be
Writer(s): Taylor Brough Lyrics powered by