
Dawn breaks out the sky is red welcome a new era of war In denial to face the truth that this is world war 3 Bloody skies symbolize the bloodshed stains the walls Devastation total despair warfare claims the earth once again GO Sinister, beg for the end, sinister Sinister, scream out for help, sinister Sinister, left in the dark, sinister Sinister, when will we learn, sinister Millions forced to flee from their homes Seeking for help from anyone but turned away Desperately they flea from their home lands Helplessly they plea for protection We've turned our backs on those truely in need Blinded by ignorance and first world greed Open your eyes and then you'll see Be the first learn from the past Sinister, beg for the end, sinister Sinister, scream out for help, sinister Sinister, left in the dark, sinister Sinister, when will we learn, sinister Judgement and foolishness watch them bleed we roam free Severed heads children lie dead as we live on carefree Selfishness turning a, blind eye on the true darkness Belittle the true horror change now before its too late
Writer(s): Ominous Eclipse Lyrics powered by