
Before the sculptor found the stone... he lives here Among enlightened society encased in glass See the crowd: in his mind civility rips away So far from struggles to survive, he knows There's still a cruel beast inside Growing much stronger while we close our eyes In denial So he strives against the mob: "What is left of a man?" In glorified factories where they feel so creative He witnesses ego masquerading as art Idiots writhing to a meaningless broadcast Paintings and sculptures with no dream, no care "How can we survive when our art has no virtue?" In gentrified sectors where the mood is pretentious They speak of our sins while excusing the world Too self-absorbed to hear a modern-day Gibbon: "Inherited greatness causes fall of the West" In deep despair He finds the stone He will remove himself from the decay Perfect a monument to all that a city could be Miles around, lustrous black, far away from that town On this warm, gentle hill a vision's born; a journey's begun As he strikes the stone
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