
I watch them standing at the edge where the tides drag fragments of them away Their footing dwindling, stability liquefying. They do not move, they do not seek salvation As their lives are cast into the sea, the waters rise with every step I take Victim complex runs rife within you For quite some time now I have observed your wasteful ways Opportunity for greatness beyond the lie they have conceived, completely gambled away Ignoring every possibility I have seen what comes next, I know every move you will try to make I've studied your ways, your decisions, your creed I can see where your attempted actions will land Marching towards a premature end Your plan is futile, I know your game You pose no fucking threat to me Don't overestimate yourself, you're nothing more than a twisted branch on a dying tree You don't understand the magnitude of what you have done The consequence will stare you in the face when you step out of your cage and meet reality Death would be too merciful for one such as you. You deserve to feel the agony you create To live forever as it eats at you from the inside, eternally You will break down again and again, while your dissonance provides a false sense of relief You foolishly mistake silence for security, did you forget about me All that you love and care for, forgotten with your brief history A meaningless spec in the sands of time Don't act surprised, you knew what was coming I have arrived, it's time you came with me, for I have something to show you The future, your children suffering. I have your life in the palm of my hand It grows ever shorter as you wither away You have crushed yourself, when you're looking for someone to blame You can call out your own name
Writer(s): Degeneratum Lyrics powered by