Music Video


Jon Jones
Jon Jones
Bass Guitar
Kenny Greenberg
Kenny Greenberg
Acoustic Guitar
James Young
James Young
Electric Guitar
Tom Bukovac
Tom Bukovac
Electric Guitar
Russ Pahl
Russ Pahl
Steel Guitar
Tony Harrell
Tony Harrell
Eric Darken
Eric Darken
Wes Hightower
Wes Hightower
Background Vocals
Chris Thompson
Chris Thompson
Danny Rader
Danny Rader
Mike Eli
Mike Eli
Lead Vocals
Laura Veltz
Laura Veltz
Josh Osborne
Josh Osborne
Eli Young Band
Eli Young Band
Frank Liddell
Frank Liddell
Justin Niebank
Justin Niebank
Mixing Engineer
Drew Bollman
Drew Bollman
Assistant Mixing Engineer
Troy Hepler
Troy Hepler
Assistant Recording Engineer
Mark Hagen
Mark Hagen
Editing Engineer
David Huff
David Huff
Editing Engineer
Brian Willis
Brian Willis
Editing Engineer


The Eli Young Band has released some great songs in their over 15-year career And they've decided to put some of the best, some of the fan favorites All on one album just for you It's called, "This is Eli Young Band: Greatest Hits" And one of the songs on there Is a song that I loved It was co-written by Big Machine music writer, Laura Veltz And I feel like it just has this driving beat to it It was a number one song, I'm talking about "Drunk Last Night" And the guys loved this song because on the surface It sounded like a drinking, partying song But when you listen to the lyrics It was much more than that I think "Drunk Last Night" was one of the songs that, uh We needed this drunk, fun song but we've just never been those guys To have the beer-drink-and-raise-your-glasses kinda guys We- I think wanted more out of our music But "Drunk Last Night", it had such a different idea to it Than just this drunk, fun tune that says nothing We fell in love with the whole idea of You look at the title and you think it's gonna be this But then you hear the song and it's actually that And that's, I think, one of the reasons that we felt like it did so well And why we loved it so much "Drunk Last Night" was originally on "10,000 Towns" It was a number song for Eli Young Band But now, you can find it on "This is Eli Young Band: Greatest Hits" Which is available now and here it is on Big Machine Radio
Writer(s): Joshua Shaun Osborne, Laura Veltz Lyrics powered by
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