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Madeline Seitles
Madeline Seitles


The sun sinks to the sea From the window, watching for me Colors like a dream Your memory, it's waiting for me Tell me what you see Red and yellow, orange and green Play a song for me The echoing is finally free Songs of a life that's left undone Sentences left half said I knew the words but they've all gone Buried with what could have been They say the hardest thing When someone goes is always the same Colors seem to fade And the sunrise shows only in gray I wish that it could be that way But when the day breaks Nothing has changed I can see your face In the orange sky, the colors won't change Songs of a life that's left undone Sentences left half said I knew the words but they've all gone Buried with what could have been And I Am clinging to red birds and sunsets and dragonflies And I Am searching for clouds and the stars in the night sky The sun sinks to the sea From the window, watching for me Colors like a dream Your memory, it's waiting for me
Writer(s): Madeline Seitles Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com