Music Video

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Mark Rodriguez
Mark Rodriguez
Pera Krstajic
Pera Krstajic
Lance Rodriguez
Lance Rodriguez
Arif Elahi
Arif Elahi
Mark Rodriguez
Mark Rodriguez
Arif Elahi
Arif Elahi
Mark Rodriguez
Mark Rodriguez


Maybe sometimes you love me Maybe sometimes you don't yeah Sometimes I feel so ugly Sometimes I feel so woke Every time like this much Soft enough to kill me in my Sleeping with my eyes closed like I'm not scared of darkness like Every time change like We got light and phosphorus Every element every element Every place we get lit Every time tick exist And planes fly high like you and I We'll be shot down to the morning light Better if we try Better not thinking we can't fly high Maybe sometimes I'm loving walking through the street side People in places moving worried about their own life So insignificant Sometimes a blissful thing Maybe sometimes your lucky Maybe sometimes you don't have Sometimes I feel so ugly I know you're there your too sad Running away give me the time of the day Seeing it I know you want what I got but you know I don't stay And planes fly high like you and I We'll be shot down to the morning light Better if we try Better not thinking we can't fly high Woahhhh Woahhhh Woahhhhhhhh Woaooooo This won't kill me Bury it down in the wasteland In my old dreams Old me What am I saying I love this girl Too much too far you got me running away And planes fly high like you and I We'll be shot down to the morning light Better if we try Better not thinking we can't fly high And planes fly high Like we own the sky Ohh show me your ways Show me light Give me pain And planes fly high like you and I We'll be shot down in the morning light Better if we try Better not thinking we can't fly
Writer(s): Lance Rodriguez Lyrics powered by
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