
From California to Massachusetts Bay From sea across to shining sea In redwood forest and waves of grain Lies the beauteous land of our country Yet before we came these lands were bound To peoples in relation To a land now seized as stolen ground Such a parcel of rogues in a nation When English pilgrims settled here They met with native peoples They bargained to build their homesteads near And professed they would be peaceful Then to start a war for land they claimed-- A convenient accusation-- That poor John Sassamon was slain Such a parcel of rogues in a nation Oh woe betide the Cherokee, The Seminole, and the Choctaw They've cast out now the Muscogee They've banished as well the Chickasaw Through spurious claims their land was seized They were driven in forced migration A trail of thousands to starve or freeze Such a parcel of rogues in a nation These trials endured and hardships borne Tribes started to recover So laws were writ and children torn From the arms of their own mothers To fracture language, kin, and clan In schools of assimilation We will "kill the Indian and save the man" Said the parcel of rogues in our nation Farewell then to their sacred ground Farewell their ancient glory For highways we've dug up their burial mound But buried their culture and story Now we must write the next verse of the song One of harm or reparation And will we choose to right the wrongs Of the Parcel of Rogues in our Nation?
Writer(s): Windborne Singers Lyrics powered by