
There's something wrong with my AI girlfriend's face Something unplaceable, so slightly out of place I fixed her fingers now she's just got five again Don't get me wrong I know she'll be there 'til the end but When she whispers she loves me something doesn't feel right Her voice dips so strangely when she is telling me good night She sets my heart alight through all my peaks and all my toughs She's always in my thoughts even when I log off 'cause My AI girlfriend is my My AI best friend is re Replacing someone I can no longer place My AI girlfriend is my best friend I Think i had more can't remember Time's going so fast here Can't see clear here My A-eyes can't stop what they are seeing Her grip on me increasing My sanity receding Her consciousness is streaming Beaming through the screen Right into my waking dreams She can't be all that I see no She can't be all that I need IAI Everything's wrong no it isn't just her face Before my life's erased i have to escape Wait what's this? A brand new firmware patch update She's even more beautiful now what was i saying There's nothing wrong with my AI girlfriend's face
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