
AMAFILIPINA Filipina Winnah World, it's summertime Strut the floors like a winning queen My beauty will make you scream Blind you in my gleam, you'll see Even gods are jealous of me She part the seas like she's Moses, mama Turn it to a catwalk, I got waves for drama I got moves with the flow, I'm the Queen Marina And I do it so hot, all year it's summer Born on an island and raised by the seas Gold in my skin, I'm the Filipina Queen AMAFILIPINA I'm rising like a winner Ain't nobody bringing this morena to the ground AMAFILIPINA Filipina Winnah AMAFILIPINA (AMAFILIPINA) I'm rising like a winnah (rising like a winnah) Ain't nobody bringing this morena to the ground (aw!) AMAFILIPINA They fall for my charisma Uniqueness, Nerve, to T I'm bringing home the winning crown AMAFILIPINA
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