
Over three records, Hold For Swank has had a lot of growing up to do. If their debut album, This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Was the confused, hopeless romantic, And their second album, Get Confident, Stupid!, Was the angry, rejected loser, Their latest release, The Stuff That Contradicts the Other Stuff, Is the wiser, older sage, Offering advice to the current generation of lovelorn rascals. What's that advice? Maybe skip this track? J. Helen, this is enough to ruin my lunch? Okay, sorry. The advice: Pull up your bootstraps, Suck in your bottom lip, And start taking accountability for your actions. The resulting pop-rock album comprises 17 tracks (11 songs and 6 brief interludes) That stretch from true love to self-realization, Despite a few missteps along the way. And, as they say, hilarity ensues. Man, if this (intense whistling) doesn't end soon They are going to find me carving "Brooks was here" In the rafters. Influences including Weezer, Blink-182, Green Day, And even prog-rockers Rush And radio gods Huey Lewis and the News Find their way into Hold For Swank's songwriting. Humor - sometimes oddly specific - (Like this 11 minute joke of a song) Weaves among power chords And the occasional fist-pumping breakdown To create an urgent sound that's both modern and nostalgic - A little '90s, a little right now. So only moderately funny story, Max wanted to make this song run out the rest of the album, Like the entire thing. But the guy recording it didn't think he could listen To another 38 minutes of this to mix/master it I can't blame them. So anyway, we cut it at 11 and change. Such is life. Anyway, if you got this far, #bless. You've only got about six minutes to go. Five minutes Four minutes Three minutes Two minutes Only 1 minute left! (Whistling Intensifies) Thank fuck. This is almost over. Hope you enjoyed this. Someone sign us!
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