
Yiddish - epes, Arabish - epes Hebreyish, Rusish - epes Ladino un English - epes Esperanto - nokh an epes, epes, epes, epes Israel - something, Palestine - something Theodore Herzl - something Yitzchok Rabin - something (someone?) Hamas and Fatah, Hezbullah - something, something, something Torah - something, Talmud - something Koran and Bible - something The Wailing Wall is something If they build a new third Temple - something, something, something Muhammad - someone, Moshiach - someone Barack Obama - someone Netanyahu - someone Arafat and Arik Sharon - na na Nachman someone Jesus Christ and Allen Ginsberg - na na Nachman something Holocaust - something, Auschwitz - something Deir Yassin is something Sabra Shatila - something Yom Haatzmaut and Yad Vashem - Nakba, Nakba, something Yom Haatzmaut and Yad Vashem - nothing, Nakba, something The Boycott is something, the Birthright is something The IDF is something PLO is something Gilad Shalit and Rachel Corey - someone, someone, someone Gilad Shalit and Rachel Corey - both of them are someone Cynicism is a very important part of the discourse right now When I talk to people in this country When I ask them what they think about their politics They say that everything is gonna end Which is exactly what the Evangelicals want to happen Apocalypse - something Irony - something Stupid songs that try to make it better Something, something, something
Writer(s): Traditional, Daniel Kahn, Eyal Talmudi, Vicktor Levin, Dmitrij Valerevich Shumilov Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com