
Christmas Dragnet (Yulenet) (Pt. 2)
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Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Charles Butler
Charles Butler
Walter Schumann
Walter Schumann
Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Ken Nelson
Ken Nelson


[Joe:] [This is the season.My name is Wednesday, my partner is Frank Jones, the chief is Captain Kellogg.December the 24th, Christmas Eve, they brought in a guy named Grudge.When I heard what they booked him on, my blood ran cold.It was a 4096325-dash-096704: not believing in Santa Claus.4: 35 P.M. I was working the holiday watch out of Homicide with Frank.] [Frank:] Hang up your stocking yet, Joe? [Joe:] Yeah, just before I come down. You, too, Frank? [Frank:] Always do. Hung it up early just in case I have to work late tonight. Wouldn't wanna miss out on when Santy Claus comes, you know. [Joe:] Mm-hmm. Sure wouldn't. Would be a shame. [Frank:] Whatcha gonna do tomorrow, Joe? Whatcha gonna do on Christmas? Ya got any plans? [Joe:] Nothing much. [Frank:] Why don't you come by the house, Joe? We're gonna have Christmas dinner. You know, all the trimmings. [Joe:] Mm-hmm. [Frank:] Turkey, celery, stuffing, oysters maybe, chestnuts. [Joe:] Mm-hmm. [Frank:] All the trimmings. Cranberry sauce. Love to have ya. [Joe:] Mm-hmm. [Frank:] The Mrs. always fixes a plate of relish with them little carrot sticks. You know, olives, pickles, scallions. Most folks call them green onions, but they're really scallions. Do you ever notice that, Joe? [Joe:] Ever notice what, Frank? [Frank:] How most folks call them green onions, but they're really scallions. [Joe:] Mm-hmm. Scallions. [Frank:] Anytime after two, Joe. Love to have ya. [Joe:] Mm-hmm. Well, I'll see. [Frank:] Love to have ya. [Joe:] Mm-hmm. Well, I'll see. [Frank:] The Mrs. always fixes a plate of relish with them carrot sticks, You know them little carrot sticks? [Joe:] Mm-hmm. [Frank:] Olives, pickles, scallions. [Joe:] Mm-hmm. Let's not go through that again. [Frank:] Love to have ya. Go through what again, Joe? [Joe:] How most folks call them green onions, but they're really scallions. [Frank:] Oh. You noticed that, too, huh, Joe? [(telephone rings)] [Joe:] Homicide, Wednesday. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. [(hangs up)] [Frank:] 'S the matter, Joe? 'S the matter, Joe? [Joe:] Bringing a guy in on a 409635-dash-096704. [Frank:] You-you mean... [Joe:] Yeah. Guy don't believe in scallions. I mean Santa Claus. [6: 29 P.M. We questioned the guy who didn't believe in Santa Claus: a guy named Grudge.] Says here your name's Grudge, that right? [Grudge:] Yeah. [Joe:] Said you didn't believe in Santa Claus? [Frank:] It's hard to believe what you said. Did you really say that? [Grudge:] Sure I said it. How do you know there's a Santy Claus? Ya got a picture of him? [Joe:] No, no mug shot. [Grudge:] Any fingerprints? [Joe:] Mnh-mnh, no latent prints. I just know, that's all. I't's like saying there isn't an Easter Bunny. [Grudge:] That's another guy there ain't no of! [Joe:] Mm-hmm. Well, that's your story, mister. [Frank:] Joe, he just said that to make me feel bad, didn't he? There really is an Easter Bunny, isn't there? Joe? [Joe:] Listen, Grudge, didn't I pick you up three years ago on a 1492 for not believing in Columbus? [Grudge:] Yeah! I don't believe in Cleveland or Cincinnati, either. [Joe:] How about Toledo? [Grudge:] I, uh, I ain't made up my mind yet about Toledo. [Joe:] Okay, mister, I get the picture now. You don't believe in nothin', do ya? [Grudge:] Nothin'! And you wanna know somethin' else? [Joe:] What's that? [Grudge:] I'm gonna get up, and I'm gonna walk right out of this room, 'cause you guys ain't got nothin' on me. There ain't no law against not believin' in Santy Claus. [Joe:] There is in my book. Let me tell you somethin', mister, I'm gonna prove there's a Santa Claus if it takes me all night. [Grudge:] Huh! Pretty funny. The police department's got nothin' else to do. [Joe:] Let me straighten you out, buddy. This one's on Frank and me. Right, Frank? Right, Frank? [Frank:] There really is an Easter Bunny, isn't there, Joe? You know, hippety-hoppin' down the bunny trail? [Joe:] [I took Grudge over to the helicopter. Got in, flew around the city for hours.I showed him department stores.] What's hurrying in and out of those department stores, Grudge? [Grudge:] Happy people, but I ain't impressed. [Joe:] [I showed him stockings.] How are those stockings hung, Grudge? [Grudge:] By the chimney with care. But I didn't hang none up. [Joe:] [I showed him children nestled all snug in their beds.] What's dancing in their heads, Grudge? [Grudge:] Visions of sugarplums. But you ain't sellin' me. There ain't no Santy Claus. [Joe:] [He still didn't believe. There was only one thing left to do.My job? Get to the North Pole.11: 45 P.M. We arrived at the North Pole.I set the plane down, we walked over to Santy's workshop, rang the bell.] [(bell plays "Dragnet" theme)] [Joe:] Pardon me, sir, can I ask you a few questions? [Brownie:] Why, sure. Just tickle me to death. [Joe:] What do you do for a living? [Brownie:] I'm a brownie. [Joe:] What are you doing at the North Pole with a Southern accent? [Brownie:] Well, the boss sorta ran short on help this year, so he had to recruit a few of us brownies from the South Pole. [Joe:] Mm-hmm. That figures. [Grudge:] Heh-heh! What a waste of time! [Joe:] Could we talk to your boss, please? [Brownie:] Oh, he's out. You would come on the one night he's out in the whole year. [Joe:] Mm-hmm. What's your particular job, Mr. Brownie? [Brownie:] My boss has eight tiny reindeer. My job? Feed 'em. [Joe:] Mm-hmm, yes, sir. What do ya feed 'em? [Brownie:] Well, most times I fix up a little plate of relish. Olives, pickles and them carrot sticks. You know them little ol' carrot sticks? [Joe:] Mm-hmm. [Brownie:] And scallions. [Joe and Brownie:] Most folks call them green onions, but they're really scallions. [Brownie:] How'd you know? [Joe:] Just a stab in the dark. [The little man showed us through the workshop.] [Brownie:] My boss'll be back for a second load pretty soon. Say, would you all like to hear an interestin' story? [Joe:] Yes, sir. [Brownie:] Well, you see that huge pile of presents over there? [Joe:] Mm-hmm. [Grudge:] Man, look at all that stuff! [Brownie:] Would you believe it? They're all for the same man. Been pilin' up here year after year. [Joe:] Why didn't the guy ever get 'em? [Grudge:] Yeah! Why? [Brownie:] 'Cause he didn't believe in my boss. You know the rules. [Joe:] Mm-hmm. We know. [Grudge:] I, uh, don't suppose there's no chance that this, this guy can still -- [Brownie:] Get the presents? Oh, sure. He gets 'em all the minute he believes. But I don't suppose he ever will. [Joe:] Too bad about that guy. What's his name? [Grudge:] Don't say it. I don't want to hear it. [Joe:] Come on, Mr. Brownie. What's his name? [Brownie:] His name? Grudge. [Joe:] [The Brownie saw us to the door, wished us a merry Christmas.We were heading back to the plane when it happened.] [Grudge:] Hey! [Joe:] Yeah, Grudge? [Grudge:] You know that guy I said I didn't believe in? [Joe:] Who's that? [Grudge:] S-S-Santy Claus? [Joe:] Yes, sir? [Grudge:] You think I'm too old to change my mind? [Joe:] You're never too old, Mr. Grudge. [Grudge:] Well then, I-I-I believe in Santy Claus. And Columbus. [Joe:] How about Cleveland, Cincinnati, and the Easter Bunny? [Grudge:] Yeah, them, too. [Joe:] And Toledo? [Grudge:] I-I still ain't made up my mind yet about Toledo! [(sleigh bells)] [Joe:] Look, Grudge, up in the sky. He's coming back for the second load. [Grudge:] It's Santy Claus! It's Santy Claus! [Joe:] There's the only guy I know can make everybody happy in one night. [Grudge:] Yeah. He must have the biggest heart in the whole world. [Joe:] That's about the size of it.
Writer(s): Miklos Rozsa, Walter Schumann Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com