
Switch on (UUHAHO) Are you tired of these boring beats? You want some freaking pumping shit? Well, we have breaking news for you! Expulze and Narfos are back! Give me the Rattn Tattn Tattn Tattn Tattn Tattn Tattn (Yeah!) We are back in town! We are back, in town! The Rattn Tattn Tattn Tattn! Loutr verwirf mi (Argghhhh)! (Bruh) Give me the Rattn Tattn Tattn Tattn! I hon lei gewellt sogn, mir sein widdor do gell Expulze and Narfos! Drahn au! Loutr, drahn au! Yeah! Expulze and Narfos, du Stollor! Du Stollor! UHUHOA! OH! Give me the Rattn Tattn Tattn Tattn! Switch off
Writer(s): Rachel Agatha Keen, Frederic Kennett, Robert Hauldren, Sarah Aarons Lyrics powered by