Music Video


Aleksandr Shamaluev
Aleksandr Shamaluev


What are the 2 most powerful words in the english language?... The 2 most powerful words in the english language are "I AM" Because what comes after I AM will shape your life. What you speak after "I AM" ... What you BELIEVE after "I AM" Will control your decisions and shape your life. If you believe you are powerful... If you believe you are Capable of achieving great things – you will attempt great things. If you speak into your life resilience, And determination to overcome anything – you Will be ready to –FACE, and overcome anything. Let the power of I AM shape your life, in the most powerful way. What you speak after "I AM" What you BELIEVE after "I AM" Will control your decisions and shape your life. If you believe you are powerful. If you believe you are capable of achieving Great things – you will attempt great things. I AM powerful I AM strong I AM successful I AM an achiever I AM abundant I AM RICH I AM DETERMINED I AM FOCUSED I AM DISCIPLINED I AM HEALTH I AM WEALTH I AM! I AM! I AM beautiful I AM wise I AM capable of anything I AM someone who makes things happen I AM a powerful creator I AM filled with faith I AM blessed I AM grateful I AM A MIRACLE!!!! I am connected I am God I am more than my body I am a powerful spirit I AM READY I AM FOCUSED I AM EXCITED I AM A FIGHTER I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH I AM A WINNER I AM A CHAMPION!!! You can't just speak the words. You must FEEL them... and you must BELIEVE them. Repeat them every day. Let them soak into your subconscious. Let that POWER become one with you. Ali said: "I AM THE GREATEST" and he became THE GREATEST. Are you ready to be great? I AM! I AM! I AM! Replace "I WANT" with I AM. Instead of saying "I WANT to be RICH ", Say "I AM RICH!." "I AM WEALTHY" Say it. Feel it. Feel it until you BELIEVE it I AM powerful I AM strong I AM successful I AM abundant I AM RICH I AM DETERMINED I AM FOCUSED I AM DISCIPLINED I AM capable of anything I AM a powerful creator I AM LIMITLESS I AM I AM Thoughts are powerful. Thoughts lead to actions. Actions over time become habits. And habits lead to long-lasting results. I AM motivational speech If you speak negativity into your life ... negativity WILL show up in your life. ' CLICK TO TWEET Thoughts lead to actions. Actions become habits. Habits lead to RESULTS. CLICK TO TWEET Think. Feel. Believe and you will BECOME! CLICK TO TWEET Video 2: (A Man Is Literally What He Thinks) TRANSCRIPT Speakers: Callum James, William Hollis If you speak negativity into your life ... negativity WILL show up in your life. What you speak, believe and feel... you will become. "I AM tired" "I AM stuck in a dead end job" "I AM going no where" ... all of these thoughts are doing you no good at all. Thoughts turn into beliefs, and beliefs control your life. Turn all that around and speak positivity into your life. The more you practice it, the more you will believe it. The more you believe it, The more it will become part of your identity, And then you will start acting like a person that has those things. James Allen once said: "A man is literally what he thinks... His character being the complete sum of all his thoughts." Your thoughts create our destiny.
Writer(s): Aleksandr Shamaluev Lyrics powered by